Applied Safety Worker Skills Maintenance Perth · Melbourne · Darwin
Revisit & Maintain Confined Space, Height Safety and Gas Testing Skills
ERGT’s Applied Safety Worker Skills Maintenance (ASW SM) program is designed for individuals who have already attained the prerequisite Units of Competence (Working Safely at Heights, Gas Test Atmospheres and Enter Confined Spaces) and are required to demonstrate ongoing competence and capability.
Learning Outcomes
The expected learning outcomes for this course are:
Confined Space Entry
- Assess confined space for entry
- Use safety equipment and PPE
- Control confined space entry
- Conclude confined space operations
Gas Testing
- Prepare for gas testing
- Test for gases
- Maintain equipment
Working at Heights
- Identify work requirements
- Identify work procedures and instructions for the task
- Access and install equipment
- Perform work at heights
- Clean up work area
ERGT Required Skills and Knowledge
In order for ERGT to deliver the training and assessment in the timeframe specified for this course, trainees are required to come to the course with a specific range of skills and knowledge.
Evidence of the following prior skills and knowledge must be provided to ERGT for verification prior to course commencement:
MSMWHS217 Gas test atmospheres
RIIWHS204D/E Work safely at heights
MSMPER205 Enter confined space OR;
RIIWHS202D/E Enter and work in confined spaces
Structure and Assessment
This course is highly practical in nature with evidence of skills and knowledge being demonstrated practically wherever possible. Trainees will demonstrate their competence by undertaking realistic, scenario-driven practical activities. Minimal written assessment is used to supplement practical evidence capture.
Medical and Health Standards
A medical certificate is not required for this course, however a health questionnaire and declaration of fitness will be required at course registration. Please contact ERGT for any concerns regarding completion of practical training and assessment requirements and to discuss options for reasonable adjustments.
Additional Requirements
A government issued photo identification is required for course registration.
Skills Maintenance
In alignment with industry expectations and to ensure ongoing competence and capability ERGT recommends skills maintenance be conducted every 2 years.
†No GST applicable
*Price Includes GST
+Price includes GST / ^No GST applicable