Congratulations Professor Gillian Yeo
04 July 2022
ERGT congratulates Professor Gillian Yeo on being appointed to the Woodside Chair of Leadership and Management at The University of Western Australia (UWA). We believe Professor Yeo’s long history of effective collaboration with many industry sectors will continue to grow in this new role. We will all benefit from improving our academic understanding of workplace safety training and safety performance.
ERGT’s 12 year research collaboration with UWA’s Business School and the Centre for Safety was facilitated by Professor Yeo to deliver pioneering research in effective leader behaviour patterns in our Emergency Management training and facilitation.
As a result of the ongoing collaboration with Professor Yeo and UWA Business School, ERGT now has a greater understanding of the learning and decision-making processes and behaviours in Emergency Management Training of Offshore Installation Managers. ERGT is being supported in the development of new training tools that facilitate decision making and assist in accelerated learning. The collaboration is supporting the development of additional tools to assess learning throughout Emergency Management training and strengthen transfer of learning back to the workplace.