First Response To Fire Perth · Melbourne · Darwin
Identify, Assess and Control Workplace Emergency Situations
ERGT’s First Response to Fire (FRF) course allows individual employees in the workplace to identify, assess and control workplace emergency situations. Participants’ will be developing skills, knowledge and broad capabilities in responding to workplace emergencies such as a small fire that can be controlled using a nearby fire extinguisher; or a chemical spill that can be controlled using workplace personal protective clothing and equipment.
This requirement for employees to complete this training is consistent with the legislative obligations of employees as prescribed in WHS legislation. The knowledge and skills gained through the completion of this competency may be applied by all employees across all industries.
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes for this Nationally Recognised Training unit MSMWHS212 Undertake first response to fire incidents include:
- Identify fire emergency and raise alarm
- Initiate basic fire responses
- Notify responsible authorities
- Undertake safe evacuation
ERGT Desired Skills and Knowledge
It is recommended, but not mandatory, that each trainee should attend the course with skills and knowledge in:
- Completed company induction training
- Workplace emergency response procedures
- Site emergency response structure and mustering procedures
- Understand organisational hazard identification and the reporting of hazards
- Risk assessment processes
Such a foundation enables the trainees to appreciate the common types of hazards and potential risks present in high risk workplaces and standard emergency response procedures.
Medical and Health Standards
A medical certificate is not required for this course, however a health questionnaire and declaration of fitness will be required at course registration. Please contact ERGT for any concerns regarding completion of practical training and assessment requirements and to discuss options for reasonable adjustments.
Additional Requirements
Government-issued photo identification and valid USI are required for course registration
Structure & Assessment
This course is delivered through classroom presentations, group discussions, and practical demonstrations and exercises. Trainees will demonstrate their competence through written and practical assessment. During the practical assessment competency will be demonstrated over a range of emergencies that could be expected in the workplace using initial response equipment.
Skills Maintenance
In alignment with industry expectations and to ensure ongoing competence and capability ERGT recommends skills maintenance be conducted every 2 years.
Authority / Regulator
Nationally Recognised Training is regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), which is the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector.
†No GST applicable
*Price Includes GST
+Price includes GST / ^No GST applicable