Fire Warden Training Perth   ·   Melbourne   ·   Darwin

Learn How To Perform Fire Warden Duties

The purpose of ERGT Australia’s Fire Warden (FWAR) training course is to develop the skills and knowledge required to implement specific emergency procedures in the workplace. This course has been developed to cover a broad range of emergencies in the workplace as considered in Australian Standard 3745-2010 Planning for Emergencies in Facilities.

The Fire Warden training course has been designed for individuals who are required to operate as part of an emergency control organisation and may undertake work roles in a variety of industry sectors. The individuals attending the Fire Warden training course may range from administration personnel to experienced production plant workers.

Course Availability

ERGT Australia’s Fire Warden training course is available through corporate group bookings at our training centres in Perth, WA, Melbourne, Victoria and Darwin, NT. Please enquire for more information.

Learning Outcomes

The expected learning outcomes for the Nationally Recognised Training unit PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation are:

  • Undertake pre-emergency planning
  • Take appropriate actions in an emergencies
  • Assist with post emergency activities

ERGT Desired Skills and Knowledge
In order for ERGT to deliver the training and assessment in the timeframe specified for this Fire Warden training course, it is desirable (but not mandatory) that trainees come to the course with a specific range of skills and knowledge as listed:

  • Company induction training
  • Have participated in workplace evacuation drills
  • Understanding of workplace emergency response procedure (including fire extinguishers)
  • Site emergency response structure and mustering procedures

Medical and Health Standards
A medical certificate is not required for this course; however a health questionnaire and declaration of fitness will be required at course registration. Please contact ERGT for any concerns regarding completion of practical training and assessment requirements and to discuss options for reasonable adjustments.

Additional Requirements
Government-issued photo identification and a valid USI are required for course registration.

Structure and Assessment
The Fire Warden training course is delivered through classroom presentations, group discussion, scenarios and case studies, demonstrations and practical activities. Trainees will demonstrate their competence through written assessment and practical assessments.

Skills Maintenance
In alignment with industry expectations and to ensure ongoing competence and capability ERGT recommends skills maintenance be conducted every 2 years.

Authority Regulator
Nationally Recognised Training is regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), which is the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector.

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†No GST applicable

*Price Includes GST

+Price includes GST / ^No GST applicable

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On successull completion trainees will be issued a Statement of Attainment in:

PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation

Also Known as

Warden Training

Common Occupations

Administration, Health, Safety & Environment, Chemical, Blender, Production, Operator, Chemist, Blending Operator, Stores, Supervisor, Logistics

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